Tiah Pahl : Ole Groupe Scholarship Recipient
Tiah Pahl was the 1999 recipient of the Ole Groupe Scholarship. She attributes her love of animals and animal welfare to her involvement with FFA throughout high school. Tiah was a 2002 graduate of Pendleton High School; she attended Oregon State University and graduated in animal science. In 2006, she was accepted into the College of Veterinary Medicine at OSU and graduated in 2010.
Tiah was a 2004 Pendleton Round-Up Princess. Tiah credits the Old Groupe Scholarship with opening doors and allowing her to see many aspects of agriculture in our area, our lives and our community. Tiah credits the Pendleton FFA chapter with giving her the opportunity to develop her leadership and communication skills that have prepared her for her future in small animal veterinary. Tiah values the networking and personal relationship she has developed through FFA. When she got to OSU, she already knew many of the facility, and already had established friendships with other students, thus making her transition much easier. Funding an experience is worth more than we know – a foundation for our youth. The Ole Groupe Scholarship, a wonderful example of how all of our donations to the Pendleton Foundation Trust help our local students, our community and our local heritage.